Ian Ribbons Facilitated CHAZOP

WRITTEN BY:   Welcon Admin

PUBLISHED ON:   2016/07/12

As part of the Awoonga Dam Pump Station Drives Upgrade, Ian Ribbons from Welcon Technologies facilitated a Control Hazard and Operability Study (CHAZOP) for the Gladstone Area Water Board. This workshop gained insights and important contributions from all the key stakeholders covering Management, Operators, Technicians and Trade Staff.

CHAZOPs can focus on a number of areas of a control system, namely preliminary, system, loop & sequence. The Control Methodology of the control system for the Awoonga Dam Pump Drives was the subject, and the process identified potential failures point by point. Potential risks through architecture, power supplies, coding and alarms were identified with control measures also aligned to mitigate and/or manage any potential failures.

The CHAZOP achieved a high level of engagement from all parties concerned, thus ensuring high quality outcomes and reduced risk to the supply of essential water supply throughout the region.

Welcon can facilitate a CHAZOP for your particular scenario to help identify and eliminate high risk events occurring in your process plant or essential infrastructure.

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