IHEA Presentation: Townsville Hospital – Critical Infrastructure Automation and Resilience

WRITTEN BY:   Steve Williams

PUBLISHED ON:   2019/04/04

Health Engineering Professionals from all around Queensland recently met at the IHEA Meeting in Townville, as part of their ongoing professional development and technical knowledge sharing.

Based on our long-standing relationship with the Townsville Hospital and Health Service, Welcon’s Ian Ribbons was invited to present a technical paper demonstrating the automation features and resilience of the control systems at the Townsville Hospital.

Ian and his team of engineers in Townsville have been intimately involved in the development and maintenance of the system, especially the automation, monitoring and load-shedding systems, over the past 10 years. As the hospital has expanded, Welcon’s contribution has included system design for the main HV distribution network, generator controls and chiller plants, as well the interfaces to the power authority.

Ian has received excellent feedback on his presentation, which showed how power to the critical sections of the hospital can always be maintained, even with the failure of various components. 

Well done, Ian.

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